July 18 - 4 days breastfeeding & counting (a letter to a friend to prepare her for breastfeeding!)
I wanted to let you know a few things to prepare that I wish I knew to do, especially with breastfeeding if you plan to do it.
I wanted to let you know a few things to prepare that I wish I knew to do, especially with breastfeeding if you plan to do it.
My nipples were so unprepared for breastfeeding, which I'm sure is normal. Madison latches on really well, but she sucks REALLY HARD and my nipples are still sore and raw because they are not used to it yet.
I learned from breastfeeding class about using black tea bags and also read here (http://voices.yahoo.com/best-
I was using the Mother Love nipple cream which is organic olive oil based, but it wasn't helping a whole lot. I was at the pediatrician's office today and also visited with the lactation nurse who said to use pure lanolin instead. I was trying to go organic, but I went straight to Burlington Coat Factory after the office visit and bought the Medela Lanolin cream and it has helped just from earlier today. It is a lot thicker and keeps the nipples moist so it doesn't dry out. You should use it after every feeding and just leave it on so if your nipple is a little raw, it won't scab over and get hard which is more painful. The lactation nurse also said to not use water on the nipples because it will dry it out. She said just keep putting on the lanolin and leave it on.
Air out your breasts if possible too just so they aren't always covered up. You can use hot compress on the breast to get the milk flowing, but avoid the nipples and don't leave on the hot compress for more than 3 minutes. Ice compress is also really great when you are engorged. I leave it on for almost 15-20 min and it really helps soften the lumps and it's great on the nipples to numb them right before feeding. Just put a towel so ice is not directly on the nipples.
My milk just started coming in yesterday (day 3) and before that it is colostrum which is thick and clear. Usually before feeding, I will use my hands to express a little out of the breast just to make sure there is stuff coming out before feeding. I don't want her to be sucking so hard and nothing comes out haha.. My left nipple is a lot more beat up than my right because that is the one I started with minutes after birth and with first try, the latch is not going to be perfect. But, overall, I really enjoy breastfeeding! It's a very close bond :) You should definitely see the lactation nurse during your hospital stay to make sure that baby is latching on well and get some tips before you go home. I didn't get the chance to at the hospital, but today's visit helped a lot too. The breastfeeding class I took before delivery was also really helpful. I'm going to see if my nipples get better the next couple days with the lanolin & tea bags and if they are still a little sore, then I'm going to get the gel pads online to see if they'll help. Bring the lanolin with you to the hospital!! I'm sure they may have it too, but just in case!