Friday, May 24, 2013

First Urgent Care Visit

For the past couple days, Madison has woken up in the morning with mucus-y eyes and today it has gotten a bit worse.  Grandma Alice has also been coughing.. although she claims it is "allergies", so there was a possibility Maddie had a little cold as well.  Since we are planning to go to Vegas over Memorial Day weekend, we wanted to make sure it wasn't anything serious so we decided to take Maddie to the Urgent Care down the street from our house.  

Going to "Urgent Care" sounds a lot worse than it is, but the main function of the facility is to provide easy access to medical care when you need it right away without having to go through the hassle of making an appointment at the doctor's office.  We had a very pleasant experience and extremely thankful they are so close by which gives us a peace of mind if we ever run into something a little more serious and need medical attention.  

The pediatrician treating Maddie was very patient and kind and turns out she had a little cold and mild pink eye.  She prescribed us Vigamox eye drops ( and advised us to be diligent in washing hands, sanitizing, and keeping bacteria and germs away.  

This was a great lesson for us because we were very paranoid when she was a newborn about germs and constant sanitizing, but somewhere between working, feeding and daily grind of life.. we started slacking in cleaning and sanitizing.  Especially now with a mobile crawling baby who likes to put everything in her mouth... it's time to break out the lysol and hand sanitizers..